Christian Podcasts

Summer 2020 Rewind Episodes

All summer long I am re-sharing some of my favorite episodes that you may have missed the first time around, especially if you’re kinda new around here! Come back every week on Wednesdays all summer long to hear some of my favorite interviews. Then grab the journaling questions in my store and spend some time digging deep with God into the heart of your dream, learning what’s been keeping you from it, and beginning to trust Him more to lead you in bringing it to life.

Top 30 Best Podcast Episodes for Christian Women Dreamers

In celebration of my three-year podcasting anniversary on June 1st, I’ll be posting once a day here and on my Instagram with the listeners’-choice of the Top 30 episodes based on downloads from the last three years! And guess what, there are some oldie but goodies and some really recent ones too. So, stay tuned to see what maybe you’ve missed and hear from some amazing guests who have been such a blessing to devoted dreamers everywhere.

Roundup of Podcasts Hosted by Christian Women

Earlier this year I was searching for podcasts by Christian women. In the middle of a re-brand for my own show, my designer asked me to think about how I might differentiate mine from others with a similar audience. The trouble was, even after searching on Google, iTunes and Pinterest, I had trouble finding a comprehensive list of podcasts hosted by Christian women. I'm not sure it exists. So I decided to create my own.