078 || Fitting Your Dream into An Already Busy Life || Tiffany Bluhm

In this interview, author and Bible study teacher Tiffany Bluhm helps us dump the mom-guilt that can come with trying to balance dreaming, raising kids, and caring for a home and a husband. Instead she talks about making the most of our time, asking for help when we need it, and how not to miss out on the dream God’s put on your heart—even if you feel too busy to pursue it. Her advice to the dreamer, near the end of our conversation, about finding someone who’s already doing your dream was priceless.

077 || Because Your Dream Was Never Just About You || Allison Hale

In this interview, Allison Hale educates us about how women get caught up in sex trafficking and prostitution from what she’s learned in her nearly 10 years of ministry on the streets of San Pedro, Dominican Republic. She shares about the value of doing what you can and letting that be enough, the fruit that’s come from working with a team, and how this dream started as an inkling and was confirmed through four months of prayer.

076 || Believing God's Faithfulness Above Your Self-Doubt || Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

In this interview, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun reminds us a that just because the path is difficult, or we cannot see the fruit of our work, or that we feel stuck and alone in this moment, that doesn’t mean God’s not with us or we’re not following the right dream. She also shares about the value of knowing yourself and learning to accept and embrace who God made you. She reminds us about keeping the Sabbath and that no matter your calling, you need breaks from work, technology, and the day-to-day demands. And finally, she suggests that if you’re feeling stuck it might just be God inviting you into deeper communion with Him.

All this and more including how to stay married to (and in love with) your entrepreneur spouse and their family’s rules about date nights, cell phone breaks and family time make this a don’t-miss episode of the podcast!

075 || When God Gives You a Dream That's Bigger Than You || Simone Halpin

In this interview, Simone Halpin (co-founder and Executive Director of Naomi's House) returns to the show to share about the day-to-day challenges and joys of stepping into something bigger than herself. She talks about needing to redefine success along the way, the beauty of being rooted and going deeper instead of wider, as well as the importance of clinging to God’s Word as we seek clarity on our God-shaped dream.

074 || Battling for a Biblical Mindset || Allie Davis

In this interview, Allie Davis talks about her experience of moving from depression and a negative mindset to a more biblical mindset and how it changed her perspective of “calling” in her life. She also shares the clues that pointed to what her dream might be. She reminds us that our discouraging thoughts are not from God and that baby steps may not always bring the results you hoped for…and that’s okay!

073 || How God Works Through You, Despite Your Past || Gretchen Foster

Gretchen Foster is a woman whose life has been completely undone and restored by the unfathomable love of Jesus Christ. In this interview, she talks about the choice we have between being fearful or faithful when it comes to following our God-shaped dream. She reminds us of the force, power, authority of our King Jesus who is coming back one day. And she admonishes us of the dangers of comparing ourselves or lives to those of other women.

072 || What Dreaming & Rock Climbing Have in Common || Catherine Brown

Catherine Brown (not her real name) agreed to come on the show as long as I could keep her identity private. She tells the story of a vision God gave her about taking a group of Muslim women rock climbing. Her response was, “Ok, God. Here am I, send me.” Now, Catherine and her husband are preparing to move across the world to a primarily Muslim country in North Africa where they will serve with a rock climbing ministry.

071 || Finding Space for Your Dreams, Even With a House Full of Kids || Lara Veve

Lara Veve oversees the Women’s Community at Flatirons Community Church in Lafayette, Colorado. In this interview, she talks about the big dreams she had as a child and how those plans got upset by life’s circumstances. She shares about her fears that make her want to live “inside the box.” She also offers an important reminder that we need to pay attention to the things that make our heart beat a little faster because that’s often where God has planted our dreams.

070 || How To Nurture the Dreamer Inside Every Young Woman || McKenna Gilbert

McKenna Gilbert is a freshman at Whitworth University who is passionate about young girls knowing their worth and value. In this interview, she talks about how she came to the realization that everyone battles insecurity. She shares her insights about being “new” somewhere, whether that’s at college, a new job or in a new city. And she offers some wisdom for pointing that young woman or girl in your life toward the passion that makes her light up.

069 || How To Prioritize Your Kids AND Your Dream || Rebekah Scott

Rebekah Scott has loved sewing since she was four years old, kneeling next to her mom and begging to cut some scraps of fabrics to create something on her own. She started Rebekah Scott Designs in 2003 because she wanted to have children and be able to stay at home to raise them by her side--and she wanted to help others do the same. She loves what she has grown over these years through her business, and her four little ones continue to inspire her, put smiles on her heart, and remind her of the reason behind it all.

068 || How Even Busy Moms Can Find Time for Their Dream || Meredith King

In this episode, Meredith King talks about how things changed in the pursuit of her dream once she had kids—and the ways she’s learned to draw boundaries that are good for her and her family. She gives a name to that voice in our heads that tells us we’re not enough or shouldn’t be pursuing this dream, and she talks about how she fights back by inviting “truth-tellers” into the conversation. Plus, she’s got some awesome tips for success around providing dinner for her family and making time for prayer and bible study in the midst of an already busy life.

067 || How to Keep Your Faith While Waiting on Your Dream || Beth Ratzlaff

In this episode, Beth Ratzlaff talks about the long years she has waited on her dream to be a writer, how God has grown her through the pain of life and through waiting on her dream. She also shares the 5 promises from scripture she uses on a daily basis to draw closer to the Lord. A blogger, waiting-author, spiritual director and ministry leader, Beth calls herself and “ordinary clay-pot woman who is being crafted by an extraordinary potter.” I know you’re going to love hearing her story, especially if waiting is a part of yours.

066 || Proof that God is in the Details || Jeannie Blackmer

In this interview, Jeannie Blackmer talks about how her dream to write complemented her desire to work from home once she had young children. She shares some of the early baby steps that helped get her feet wet in the writing/publishing world, and what you need to know if you want to self-publish a book, like she did with her newest book, Talking to Jesus.

065 || How Heartbreak Brought Her Dream to Life || Lisa Whittle

Jesus is everything. This is the heart, the passion and the leadership approach of author and speaker, Lisa Whittle. Lisa is the author of 6 books including her 2 latest: Put Your Warrior Boots On: Walking Jesus Strong Once and For All, and 5 Word Prayers, a 40-day devotional. She is a sought-out Bible teacher for her wit and bold, bottom line approach. Wife of 22 years, mom of 3, lover of laughter, good food, interior design and The Bible, Lisa is a grateful work in progress. She would have never dreamed up this particular life, and yet she living proof that the life God has for us is always the one we really want in the end.

064 || Taking Your Dream One Step at a Time || Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell is the author of Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts (2016), Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves (2015), United: Captured by God's Vision for Diversity (2014) and a children’s book, God’s Very Good Idea: A True Story of God’s Delightfully Different Family (September, 2017). Her writings on issues of faith, family, and diversity have been published in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Desiring God, Christianity Today, Relevant Magazine, The Gospel Coalition, and more. She is currently Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention.

063 || How to Not Miss the Dream || Alisa Keeton

Alisa is a wholehearted lover of God who uses fitness as her tool to spread the Gospel message. She is the founder of Revelation Wellness – a non-profit ministry that trains fitness instructors and teaches fitness enthusiasts as well as the author of The Wellness Revelation – an 8-week journey to losing what weighs you down so you can love God, yourself and others.

062 || Surviving the Wilderness Years || Sharon Hodde Miller

Sharon blogs at SheWorships.com. She loves writing about Jesus for the women in his church. In addition to writing, she’s a speaker, pastor’s wife and mom of two boys (and another baby on the way) and she hails from North Carolina. She recently completed her PhD at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. You’ve likely read her writing if you spend much time at Christianity Today’s blog for women–Her.meneutics. Her writing has also been featured in Christianity Today’s print magazine, Relevant, (in)courage, Propel, Gifted for Leadership, LifeWay’s Collegiate magazine, and The Gospel Project blog. Sharon’s first book, Free of Me: Why Life Is Better When It’s Not About You, just launched this week and she’s back on the show to share more about the book and what she learned along the way.

061 || Finding the Hope You Need When You Doubt Yourself || Darcy Wiley

Darcy Wiley is a writer who digs to find the transforming work of God in unexpected places. She is co-writer of the book “The Yes Effect: Accepting God’s Invitation to Transform the World Around You” (with Moody Publishers) in partnership with Luis Bush, the missions strategist who originated the 10/40 Window Movement. She is an explorer at heart. As a youth, she traveled to observe movements of God and serve on mission in various regions of the world. Nowadays, her primary mission is to raise her kids to be curious and compassionate citizens of the world. Her writing casts light on beauty and brokenness and helps readers cultivate deep, vibrant relationships with God and others.

060 || Because There's Room For You Too || Laura Crawford

Laura Crawford is a new wife, a new mom, and a gluten-free chef, living in Colorado Springs. She’s the blogger and creator of Clean Chef, Messy Mom. When people ask her about that title, the answer is simple—it encompasses the fullness of what she aims for in her writing >> clean eating, even when life is messy.

She’s on a mission to inspire others to crave a healthy lifestyle—from food, to fitness, to marriage, to finances, to fun. Although she would claim that most of her culinary training came from her mother’s kitchen, she learned the art of technique, flavor, and tone, and how to use the science of cooking and baking to come up with the perfect recipe at Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.

Laura’s hope is that she can help other mamas embrace authenticity and find creative ways to stay healthy in all aspects of their lives even when self-care seems impossible.

059 || How to Build Your Network When You're Feeling Alone || Beth Booram

Beth Booram is the co-founder and director of Sustainable Faith Indy, an urban retreat center in Indianapolis, where she leads The School of Spiritual Direction and offers individual and group spiritual direction. Beth speaks around the country on topics related to spiritual formation and Christian leadership. She is a deep feeler who loves to think; an extrovert with a penchant for solitude; an artist who sees the hand of God in even the smallest encounters with creation. Beth has authored several books including Awaken Your Senses and Starting Something New: Spiritual Direction for Your God-given Dream, which tells the story of her dream to found an urban retreat center.