
144 || When Little Details are Blocking Your Dream || Lauren Stengele

When you’re just starting out, the small but intimidating details can halt progress toward your dream. Lauren Stengele fell in love with the Spanish language as a child, made a vow to learn it and teach it to her children, and eventually built a business called Bilingual Together to serve other families wanting to homeschool in two languages. She shares her struggles with the little details, a difficult conversation with her husband that almost ended the dream, and how it finally came to life.

097 || How to Let Yourself Be Who God Created You to Be || Julie Landreth

Julie Landreth has a passion for healthy and thriving relationships–especially marriages. She is a speaker and wife coach who loves sharing her passion for prayer and how to cultivate a thriving marriage. This conversation with Julie resulted from her reaching out to encourage me last week. I was struggling to feel courageous as I worked on my fear of failure episode, and God used her to speak truth to me. At the same time, she volunteered to just “jump in” the next time I needed a last-minute interview.

076 || Believing God's Faithfulness Above Your Self-Doubt || Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

In this interview, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun reminds us a that just because the path is difficult, or we cannot see the fruit of our work, or that we feel stuck and alone in this moment, that doesn’t mean God’s not with us or we’re not following the right dream. She also shares about the value of knowing yourself and learning to accept and embrace who God made you. She reminds us about keeping the Sabbath and that no matter your calling, you need breaks from work, technology, and the day-to-day demands. And finally, she suggests that if you’re feeling stuck it might just be God inviting you into deeper communion with Him.

All this and more including how to stay married to (and in love with) your entrepreneur spouse and their family’s rules about date nights, cell phone breaks and family time make this a don’t-miss episode of the podcast!

057 || Walking Forward Even in the Face of Rejection || Dorothy Greco

Since graduating from Boston University in 1983, Dorothy Greco has worked as a photographer, journalist, pastor, home educator, author, and writer. She feels equally at home speaking in front of hundreds or standing quietly behind her camera. Her writing has been featured in several Christian websites and publications. Making Marriage Beautiful, her first book, was published in January of 2017. She and Christopher have been married for more than 25 years. They have three sons and one amazing daughter-in-law.

040 || How to Just Take the Next Step || Julie Landreth

Julie Landreth has a passion for healthy and thriving relationships–especially in marriage. She is a speaker and wife coach who loves sharing with women her passion for prayer and how to cultivate a thriving marriage. She leads a growing number of women in San Jose, CA through her weekly WifeLab curriculum: Loving Well, The Art of Praying for Your Husband.  This year Julie and her husband will celebrate 13 years of cultivating a marriage filled with intentional love. Their secret? A date night every Friday since her now 10-year-old son was 7 months old. In addition to speaking, writing, and teaching, Julie is also a freelance photographer and designer.

Momentum Episode #5 - Interview with Britt Peck

When she was still single, Britt Peck’s God-shaped dream moved her to Las Vegas to minister to women in the sex industry. Now back home in Connecticut, she’s newly married, supporting her husband through law school, and living in the in-between as she waits for God to reveal what’s next. In this season, Britt is learning to be still, finding gratitude in the simple things, and figuring out what it means to be a godly wife.