Fighting Fear

289 || [PodSwap] Why You’ll Always Feel a Little Afraid and That’s a Good Thing || with Host Anne Watson

Have you ever felt afraid when starting to step into a dream? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, most women I’ve spoken to affirm that fear is a regular part of pursuing a dream. In my recent interview with Anne Watson, host of the Swayology Podcast, we have the most beautiful conversation about navigating those feelings without giving up.

118 || Do This When Fear Threatens Your Dream || Esther Littlefield

When God calls you to a dream that is bigger than yourself, you might question if you’re the right person for the job. Fear is normal, but fear is not from God. If fear and doubt are creeping up on you, the next step is to trust God’s character, believe He is good, and know that He is for you and the dreams He’s given you! Listen as Esther Littlefield explains what this has been for her and then, find the courage you need to take the next step, regardless of how ready you feel.

094 || Solo show: Lessons Learned in Two Years of Podcasting || Merritt Onsa

In this episode, I share what God’s been teaching me in the last two years of podcasting. However, these lessons aren’t about starting a podcast. Whatever your dream, you can apply them to your journey. I’ve broken it down into simple takeaways so you can think about how you might start or proceed in following your dream. You’ll learn why you don’t have to be perfect to move forward, how to consider the costs of your dream before you get started, and why fear must not get the best of you in the process.