
130 || How to Turn Up the Volume on Truth || Charlena Ortiz

Charlena Ortiz, founder of Grit & Virtue, teaches us how she’s learned to trust Jesus as her sustainer, sought unforced rhythms of grace in pursuing her dream, and discovered patience with herself and with God. Listen for the one question she used to figure out her dream, learn how to gain clarity on the lies you believe and turn up the volume on truth instead, and trust that God will use your dream as a tool for personal transformation.

104 || How Your Dreams Draw You Closer to God || Merritt Onsa

In this episode, you’ll learn some real-life tips to find time for your dream, even as a busy mom/entrepreneur/wife, etc. You will be inspired to believe in the value of your dream not only for the dream itself but also for the ways it will draw you closer to the Father as you take risks, leave your comfort zone and do scary things to pursue it. We talk about letting go of mom-guilt and discovering the benefits to your kids as you take time for the dream God has placed on your heart.