
284 || How Pursuit of a Dream Invites Intimacy with God || Kathy Stoops

Kathy Stoops has been on a transformational journey of discovering her true identity in Christ, learning how God’s Word impacts her everyday life, and figuring out how to recall these truths anytime, anywhere. In this episode you’ll learn about: discovering your true identity in Christ (and what it’s really all about), how small action steps can help build your confidence, and cultivating an awareness of God’s presence in your everyday life.

242 || [Solo] 5 Phases of Chasing a Dream and Which One is the Most Fruitful || Merritt Onsa

Have you wanted to quit on a dream before you really started? In the early stages, the details are still foggy, and the lack of progress makes it feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill, which can make it tempting to quit. But don’t give up before you get to the good part! In this episode, you’ll discover a simple process for confidently taking the first steps into your God-shaped dream and how to let go of excuses that are keeping you stuck.

227 || [Solo] How to Know if This is the Dream God Has for You || Merritt Onsa

Do you tend to question your dream or wonder if you heard God right the first time? Nearly every day I encounter someone talking about the fear of missing out on the purpose God has planned for her life. Some describe it as a deep worry that everyone else has beaten her to the finish line, and she’s somehow gotten it wrong but doesn’t know how to find her way back into God’s ordained path that was chosen for her before the beginning of time. But you weren’t meant to live under that pressure!

225 || [Solo] The Reassuring Truth about How to Grow Confidence Right Now || Merritt Onsa

How’s your confidence? When I asked this question on Instagram, 100% of those who responded answered, “I’m working on it.” But what does it look like to “work on” your confidence? Maybe it’s a little bit like saying, “I’m trying.” But “trying what?” is the next question. In this episode I’m teaching you how to avoid the common mistakes when it comes to confidence building and why it’s so important to set your mind on the truth as you do that.

224 || [Solo] How to Go After a Dream Even When You Don’t Feel Confident || Merritt Onsa

Which of these confidence myths are keeping you from stepping into your God-shaped dream?

“I have to know what I’m doing; I need to FEEL confident; I need to BE really good at {fill in the blank}.” Each of these may seem true on the surface, but they are all big, fat lies! Your dream is given to you by God for your good and for the good of His kingdom, and it’s an invitation to be part of God’s redemptive work in the world. How can you make sure this is the year you finally say no to self-sabotage?

217 || How You Can Walk Boldly in the Purpose God Has Given You || Carla Arges

God has given you a purpose that is uniquely yours, but the temptation to control the results can disrupt any meaningful progress because the dream belongs to God first and the outcomes rest on Him alone. If you are anxious, stressed out, or worried about the future, this episode is filled with the truth of Scripture and Carla’s calming presence to remind you of the value and importance of surrendering our God-shaped dreams to Him daily.

192 || Feeling Too Broken to Dream? Embrace Your Story & Trust God's Plan || Yolanda King

Do wounds from your past threaten your confidence or progress toward your God-shaped dream? Do you have trouble believing that God sees you and knows your needs? Yolanda King shares her story of childhood abuse and neglect that could have kept her stuck in fear and seeking approval from others. But God had a different plan. Today she’s helping other women overcome obstacles and trauma to create a life and career they love.

154 || Writing a Vision Statement for Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

This episode is all about why you need to write a vision statement for your dream, how to do it, and how I’m willing to help you get this done. These steps have helped me so much in my dreaming process because they have forced me to get really honest about the dream, my role in it, God’s role in it, and how I want to share it with the world. Now I’m able to be more precise in defining what the dream actually is and helped me communicate it more eloquently to others.