
242 || [Solo] 5 Phases of Chasing a Dream and Which One is the Most Fruitful || Merritt Onsa

Have you wanted to quit on a dream before you really started? In the early stages, the details are still foggy, and the lack of progress makes it feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill, which can make it tempting to quit. But don’t give up before you get to the good part! In this episode, you’ll discover a simple process for confidently taking the first steps into your God-shaped dream and how to let go of excuses that are keeping you stuck.

129 || How to Move Your Dream Forward Today || Merritt Onsa

If you’ve put off starting, kept your dream all to yourself, or known you need to take a step but haven’t figured out how to do that, this conversation is for you! This episode is all about finally getting busy taking steps toward the dream. You’ll learn about what next-step-momentum can do for your dream, get access to a handy worksheet to help you figure out that next step, and gain the clarity you need to finally stop waiting and start moving in the direction of your dream.