Life Coach

112 || Because Fear Will Try to Steal Your Dream || Julie Watson

Author and coach Julie Watson reminds us that God calls us into places where we feel incompetent or are just too full of fear to move forward (think of Moses). But He meets us in our “gaps,” and He grows us when we say “yes” despite our objections to the challenges we face. Julie reveals the surprising truth about the training, education, or preparation needed to pursue your dream. Finally, she asks a poignant question that helps us think about what we really want for our life and our dream.

101 || Finding Your Dream Among Too Many Options || Jane Springer

In this episode, wellness and style coach Jane Springer reminds us that God often uses the difficulties He allows in our lives to serve as inspiration for our dreams. In Jane’s case, it was her own health struggles that inspired her to help other women with theirs. In hearing her story, you’ll discover the value of paying attention to your own instincts, trusting God’s timing and waiting on Him to show you what’s next instead of stepping out because you’ve grown impatient with the wait.

On-Air Coaching: Session III with Cynthia Culver & Lois Martin || Bonus Episode #3

This bonus episode is the final of three coaching sessions with listener Lois Martin talking to me and life coach Cynthia Culver. The focus of this call is the Development stage of coaching, in which Lois works through a plan that will produce results aligned with her new direction and mindset. As you listen, consider what actions have (or could) help you trigger the mindset of truth in you, instead of the broken mindset.

Devoted Dreamers: 49 - Corine Sandifer: Podcaster | Business & Life Coach | Empowering Women

Corine is a business and life coach with a vision of helping other women. Since 2010, she has been coaching women entrepreneurs and students to discover their talents and skills so they can reach their highest level of contribution at work, school and in life. Corine is now the founder and owner of Brentwood Life Coach and host of Rising Stories Podcast where she interviews business owners and authors who tell their stories of triumph, grit and glory. Married to Michael for 27 years, they have two children and a dog. 

Devoted Dreamers: 37 - Cynthia Culver

Cynthia Culver spent seven years in the corporate world before returning to school for a M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary and her LPC license. She split the next 10 years working for Watermark Community Church and in private practice. Now, Cynthia has a coaching practice called Un+Stuck, created to help people who are overwhelmed by their responsibilities and a sense of angst because they feel aimless and unintentional about their lives. It's her passion to help people gain clarity and develop a plan to live out what matters to them.

Momentum: Episode #10 - Cheryl McGrath

Cheryl McGrath shares her decades-long struggle with workaholism and its impact on her family, personal health, and understanding of success.  The Lord eventually upended her perspective on where to find her value and identity. Taking what she learned from that experience, Cheryl is now pursuing her passion to help women embrace their self-worth and live life wholeheartedly through her new coaching business, Every Season Coaching. If you wrestle with feeling like you’re “not enough,” you’re sure to enjoy Cheryl’s encouraging story.