
272 || [Solo] The Two Must-Have Truths You Need to Shut Down Imposter Syndrome || Merritt Onsa

Is there a “cure” for imposter syndrome? It’s easy to recognize the impact of imposter syndrome on a dream you haven’t had the courage to step into. The voice of imposter syndrome will suggest to you that it’s not the right time, you’re not the right person, you’re not ready to do this, or that it’s already been done. Obviously, without any intervention, thoughts like these would keep anyone stuck and their dream hidden.  

262 || [Solo] What’s the Right Way to Start Pursuing a Big Dream? || Merritt Onsa

What’s the secret to feeling ready to pursue a dream? It is a humbling experience to be given a God-shaped dream. There is no instruction manual, which means you’re often on your own to figure it out by guessing at the steps or watching someone on social media who’s ahead of you, which is often a recipe for comparison. Neither option works very well. That’s why I’m helping you identify the barriers to feeling ready, show you where they come from, and help you make a plan to address them.

222 || How Resistance Can be a Clue That You Should Keep Pursuing Your Dream || Devin Clevenger

Do you ever want to quit when it feels too hard to keep running after a dream? First, you are not alone. You also need to know that feeling resistance about some aspect of your God-shaped dream is not a reason to give up. Resistance may, in fact, be a nudge to keep going and keep trusting that God is with you, and He will carry you through it.

169 || [Solo] What Is Imposter Syndrome and How to Know If You Have It || Merritt Onsa

This episode is all about imposter syndrome—what is it, what does it look like and sound like, and how can God’s women fight back against this attack on our identity and on our God-shaped dream? Whether you’re certain this is a struggle you’re battling or, like me, you’ve heard the term “imposter syndrome” and wondered what everyone’s talking about, this episode will help clarify and provide next steps for freedom on your journey.

146 || When You Lose Everything but Still Have a Dream || Stephanie May Wilson

As the coronavirus wreaks havoc on our world, it seems everyone has lost something. Even if you still have a job, you’ve lost your freedom with the stay-at-home orders in place. But for those who have lost a great deal more or are just struggling with fear of what could happen next, Stephanie May Wilson has a story of loss at time when her life was already in transition, and while it’s not the same as going through a pandemic, the lessons are incredibly relevant. May you find hope today, even in loss.

142 || What to Do When You Fear the Unknown || Rachel Awtrey

Does the fear of what might happen stand in the way of your dream becoming a reality? If so, you’re not alone. Even women who are further along in their dreaming can become stuck by a fear of the unknown. Rachel Awtrey admits to this struggle, and she teaches us her tactics for what to do when it shows up. You also don’t want to miss what it takes to persevere when your dream isn’t dreamy, how to finance your dream at the beginning, and why to create systems and build a board of advisors.

137 || Why are You Hiding Your Dream? || Kat Armstrong

Kat Armstrong didn’t set out to become an author. Rather, she wrote her first book in order to steward a message about the Greatest Commandment: how we, as women, might love the Lord with all our heart and soul as well as with our mind and strength. Kat doesn’t hold back from sharing about the rejection of her first book proposal, her grief at the loss of her father, and how she has shifted her mindset from numbers of followers and sales to considering how her work could help people.

122 || Obstacles to Finding Your Identity in Christ || Merritt Onsa

Our fears provide clues to understanding where we may have placed our identity in something besides Jesus. In this episode, you’ll discover the value of acknowledging what drives your fears. But you will need to tune in to next month’s solo episode to learn what you can do about it. In the meantime, I am challenging you to really look at what you’re holding tight to and what, if you lost it, would crush you, because that’s where you’ll begin to see that you have misplaced your identity.

119 || How to Stop Fear from Stealing Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

Fear is a common feeling once you start chasing God-shaped dreams, but this fear is not from God. We have a very real enemy to seeks to steal, kill and destroy you and your dreams. Thankfully, we also have a good Father in heaven who loves and cherishes you. He wants to empower courage in you, especially in the face of fear. This episode will coach you through four strategies to overcome fear and anxiety related to pursuing your dream and the importance of discerning what is driving your feelings.  

097 || How to Let Yourself Be Who God Created You to Be || Julie Landreth

Julie Landreth has a passion for healthy and thriving relationships–especially marriages. She is a speaker and wife coach who loves sharing her passion for prayer and how to cultivate a thriving marriage. This conversation with Julie resulted from her reaching out to encourage me last week. I was struggling to feel courageous as I worked on my fear of failure episode, and God used her to speak truth to me. At the same time, she volunteered to just “jump in” the next time I needed a last-minute interview.

096 || When Fear Tries to Tell You You're Not Enough || Merritt Onsa

In this week’s episode we’re talking about fear of failure, which feels ironic because even as I’m speaking on this topic, I’m wrestling with this fear. Sure, I wanted to do this solo episode. In fact, the first 10 minutes or so felt inspired. I was on a roll. But then life happened, I had to hit pause, and a few days passed. When I sat down to wrap it up, anxiety crept in, and I wrestled over and over in my mind with what I wanted to say and whether I could provide any value to this topic.