Strategy Session

245 || Listeners Ask: What are the Best Ways to Grow Revenue? || Jenn Jett Barrett

Do you have a burning question that feels too small to ask? If you have an Enneagram 7 friend, you will likely see the value in sitting down to brainstorm with her about the challenges you’ve faced with your God-shaped dream. Jenn Jett Barrett offers that gift to two podcast listeners on the topic of creative funding ideas for a dream. You’ll walk away from this one with creative inspiration for your own ambitions, and I can’t wait to hear what this conversation sparks for you!

147 || How to Get Past Your Mindset to Share Your Dream || Ashley Johnson

Ashley Johnson is a non-profit founder with a bent toward entrepreneurship and a love of seeing new ideas come to life; she came to this conversation seeking help with her messaging. As we talk you’ll learn the importance of identifying your avatar, how to invite and engage others in your dream, how live video is an opportunity to rehearse and refine your message, and why you can take the pressure off yourself to be good enough to accomplish your dream.

140 || How to Create Powerful Messaging for Your Audience || Strategy Session with Natalie Arent

Through this strategy session with Natalie Arent, you’ll learn about tackling your nerves related to following your dream, narrowing down your niche, and how to message specifically for your audience. Natalie helps Christian coaches and online service providers position themselves as an expert in their industry and attract the people they’re meant to serve with a cohesive visual brand. She has a knack for seeing what her clients struggle to put into words and is a huge fan of sharing your authentic self.