
245 || Listeners Ask: What are the Best Ways to Grow Revenue? || Jenn Jett Barrett

Do you have a burning question that feels too small to ask? If you have an Enneagram 7 friend, you will likely see the value in sitting down to brainstorm with her about the challenges you’ve faced with your God-shaped dream. Jenn Jett Barrett offers that gift to two podcast listeners on the topic of creative funding ideas for a dream. You’ll walk away from this one with creative inspiration for your own ambitions, and I can’t wait to hear what this conversation sparks for you!

235 || [Solo] Five Business Realities That Will Shape the Way You Pursue a Dream || Merritt Onsa

I often hear dreamers question whether a God-shaped dream should be a business or a hobby—and how to decide. This solo episode is a wrap up of my financial series from last month but also shares my business-building story. You’ll hear how I accidentally became a freelance writer and the lessons I learned from that experience that you can use to discern if your particular dream could or should support you and your life.

232 || How to Find Money for Your Dream if You’re Just Getting Started || Katie Jones

In this first of three interviews in my financial series, I’m talking with Money Coach Katie Jones about the secret to getting started on a dream even when you feel like you don't have the money, the underlying motivations that could be influencing your desire to spend, and the importance of identifying priorities to see if you are spending on what's most important to you. If your finances are standing in the way of launching your dream, this conversation is for you.

215 || How to Fine Tune Your Finances So You Can Dream Without Hesitation || Katie Jones

Is your dream financially viable? What difference would it make if you weren’t worried about the expense involved? My guest today, Katie Jones, is a money coach with a passion to teach biblical financial principles so you can embrace the gifts God has given you, feel confident managing your money, and pursue your God-shaped dream without any hesitation.