Trusting God

273 || How to Hold On to God When It Doesn’t Go the Way You Expected || Keagan Hayden

My guest Keagan Hayden shares how she relinquished control and learned to enjoy the journey rather than focusing on the destination. She talks about the challenges of following God’s plan, especially when it doesn't match your expectations, and the difference between working with God versus doing work for Him. Despite the ebbs and flows of her dream, Keagan continues to trust in God's plan and take each day as an adventure.

235 || [Solo] Five Business Realities That Will Shape the Way You Pursue a Dream || Merritt Onsa

I often hear dreamers question whether a God-shaped dream should be a business or a hobby—and how to decide. This solo episode is a wrap up of my financial series from last month but also shares my business-building story. You’ll hear how I accidentally became a freelance writer and the lessons I learned from that experience that you can use to discern if your particular dream could or should support you and your life.

222 || How Resistance Can be a Clue That You Should Keep Pursuing Your Dream || Devin Clevenger

Do you ever want to quit when it feels too hard to keep running after a dream? First, you are not alone. You also need to know that feeling resistance about some aspect of your God-shaped dream is not a reason to give up. Resistance may, in fact, be a nudge to keep going and keep trusting that God is with you, and He will carry you through it.

216 || [Solo] Do You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dream? || Merritt Onsa

Your dream feels so significant and all-consuming at times, but when you start to take steps, your progress feels more like a snail’s pace—or not at all. You encounter obstacles you didn’t anticipate. Certain tasks take longer than you imagined. Your capacity or availability to move the dream forward isn’t what you expected. Life has taken over, and it feels like you’re at a standstill with your dream. If this sound familiar, this is the episode for you.

177 || [Solo] How I Knew My Dream & Clues to Uncover Yours || Merritt Onsa

It can be difficult to discern exactly what your dream is, especially if you are a multi-passionate woman with lots of other responsibilities. If you’re here, I’m guessing you already believe that God has something for you. I can’t give you a precise roadmap to find it, but I can tell you what the path looked like for me, relate to you in your uncertainty, and remind you to look for the breadcrumbs God is leaving for you along the way.