Fear of failure

303 || How to Re-Energize Your Faith through the Practice of Wonder || Jen Weaver

Are you afraid of what God might do with your dream? If fear has been a driving force in your dream (or lack thereof), it’s time to go deeper in your faith. Jen Weaver shares in this episode about how to manage the fear of not feeling qualified for the dream God has given you. Rather than quit when you hit a fear roadblock, you can choose to walk through your fear with God—who is the antidote to fear—so He can re-energize your faith with the truth of His Word.

276 || [Recast] Find Your Purpose: 12 Steps to Uncover a God-Given Dream || Merritt Onsa

I recorded this episode because of a mistake I made in 2018. I could have kept it to myself to minimize my embarrassment, but I chose to share it. Why? Because mistakes happen, and they are one of the best ways to learn. Instead of continuing to feel foolish, I used this episode as an opportunity to share my reflections on what I’ve learned in my journey to uncovering a God-shaped dream, hoping that it will provide clarity for your path to yours.

274 || [Recast] Why It’s Time to Let Go of the Fear That You’re Not Enough || Merritt Onsa

What if you stepped into your fear of failure? Tune in this week to learn about fear of failure, what its true source really is, and how we can battle it and get moving in the pursuit of our God-shaped dreams. In this solo episode you’ll learn what our identity in Christ really means, how to shift the way you think about failing again and again, and the good news about why you can stop trying to be enough.