
283 || Why Taking Action Is the Secret to Clarity for Your Dream || Brandy Traylor

Why is there so much pressure to figure out the dream before you start? Most women say it’s the fear of getting it wrong, making a mistake, or misunderstanding God’s prompting and falling out of His will. In this episode you’ll learn about pursuing a dream when you’re not sure of the direction or outcome, letting your ideas and ambitions mature over time, and maintaining an open-handedness so that God can redirect your dream if He wants to.

258 || [Solo] What Story Will You Be Telling about Your Dream a Year from Now? || Merritt Onsa

What do you want to be true about your dream in a year? When I ask other dreamers about what’s keeping them from acting on their dream, there are a few repeated themes. One of the biggest struggles Christian women share is not having clarity on their dream. Others feel uncertain about the next right step to take. It's no wonder we feel this way. Without a clear road map to your destination of accomplishing the dream you’ll never actually arrive anywhere.