
298 || How to Start out Your Dream in Alignment with God || Polly Payne

How do you know if you’re following God’s plan for your dream? I hear this question often from listeners and it’s why I’m honored to bring back the inspiring Polly Payne of Horacio Printing to share her heart for putting structure around how we begin to plan and pursue our dreams (anytime, not just at the new year). We talk about how to nurture your weekly schedule and make space for a dream, as well as how to set goals and intentions that stick.

297 || How to Overcome Fear and Take Leaps of Faith Toward a Dream || Polly Payne

Have you ever felt unqualified for the dream God has given you? You are not alone. Polly Payne shares how she learned the value of her creative nature, given by the Creator, and how He transitioned her out of a career in corporate advertising to use her gifts for a ministry and business that would glorify God and serve His people. You’ll learn about the challenges, strategies, and faith journey in her career shift, how she’s sharing her knowledge and experience with other creators, and the profound effect of surrendering our dreams and their outcomes to God's control.

279 || [Solo] What Will Kids Going Back to School Mean for Your God-Shaped Dream? || Merritt Onsa

How will you find balance between your dreams and your kids’ school routines? Amidst the flurry of back-to-school preparations, are you also quietly pondering what this season holds for your personal dreams? If you’re a mom with kids still living at home, your routines (and theirs) are likely about to shift big time. In this solo episode you’ll learn about creating space for yourself first, building your support system and overcoming fears and doubts that come with big dreams.

216 || [Solo] Do You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress on Your Dream? || Merritt Onsa

Your dream feels so significant and all-consuming at times, but when you start to take steps, your progress feels more like a snail’s pace—or not at all. You encounter obstacles you didn’t anticipate. Certain tasks take longer than you imagined. Your capacity or availability to move the dream forward isn’t what you expected. Life has taken over, and it feels like you’re at a standstill with your dream. If this sound familiar, this is the episode for you.

180 || [Solo] Planning Your Dream While Doing Your Dream || Merritt Onsa

If you have allowed your need to plan keep you from taking steps toward your dream, this episode offers a bit of perspective on how to get started right now, even if you don’t have it all figured out. Because God designed you with a purpose that is certain and known to him, you don’t need to have it all planned out before you begin. He already knows! So take the leap and try new things, even if it means opening yourself up to mistakes, and then, take time to reflect and innovate.