Imposter Syndrome

286 || [Solo] Top 3 Traps Standing in the Way of Your God-Given Purpose || Merritt Onsa

Seeking clarity and confidence for your dream? Time, money, energy, and having little kids at home top the list of reasons women put their dreams on hold. But I’ve discovered 3 traps that are an even greater threat because we don’t recognize their power. In this solo episode you’ll learn about the transformative power of community in pursuing a God-shaped dream, how to recognize and overcome common obstacles to our dreams, who the Dreamer Lab is for, and how you can join us this fall!

272 || [Solo] The Two Must-Have Truths You Need to Shut Down Imposter Syndrome || Merritt Onsa

Is there a “cure” for imposter syndrome? It’s easy to recognize the impact of imposter syndrome on a dream you haven’t had the courage to step into. The voice of imposter syndrome will suggest to you that it’s not the right time, you’re not the right person, you’re not ready to do this, or that it’s already been done. Obviously, without any intervention, thoughts like these would keep anyone stuck and their dream hidden.  

214 || Your Imposter Syndrome Breakthrough May be Just Around the Corner || Kelsey Joy Rinker

Is fear of failure standing in the way of your freedom to pursue a dream? Does it feel like everyone else has a bigger following and is further along than you? If you’ve struggled with doubt, fear, comparison, or imposter syndrome and those bullies are keeping you from your God-shaped dream, I want you to hear in this episode that it IS possible to find freedom. In fact, your struggles may be an indicator that breakthrough is just around the corner.

212 || [Solo] How to Know If Imposter Syndrome Is the Reason You Are Stuck || Merritt Onsa

How is imposter syndrome killing your dream (and your confidence)? If you are confused about what imposter syndrome is, whether you have it, or more importantly, how to get over it, this episode is full of hope that you can overcome imposter syndrome with God’s help. You’ll learn how to recognize imposter syndrome, how it impacts you, and why it’s so important to not let another day pass living under this attack on your identity.

211 || What Is the Next Thing You Need to Hand Over to God? || Erica Wiggenhorn

Are you weary of constantly striving? Have you tried everything to move your dream forward but find that no matter how hard you work it’s never enough?

Erica Wiggenhorn has been where you are. She has walked through the fire and been tempted in her journey to run after self-reliance, people pleasing and self-doubt. It’s the reason she is so passionate about seeing revival in God’s women in order that we might cease striving, choose to surrender, and receive the abundant life Jesus promises.

189 || Making a Daily Decision to Surrender Your Dreams to God || Shelley Tyson

Shelley Tyson is passionate about seeing women fall in love with Jesus, live lives of wild abandon for Him, and pursue building homes and businesses that reflect Him for generations to come. She is a homeschool mom of four, wife to Bryan, and resides in Atlanta, GA, where she enjoys long talks with her husband, a strong cup of coffee, and playing the piano in her free time. She runs a skincare business and recently launched an online membership community.

172 || [Pivot Session] When is it Worth the Risk to Try Something New? || Beth Bruno

A curator of the feminine story, Beth Bruno is passionate about empowering women to raise Fierce & Lovely daughters (also the name of the podcast she hosts with her daughters). The recent pandemic accelerated a shift in her dream much faster than expected, and she wrestled with imposter syndrome while adapting to the learning curve of her new normal. Beth’s story will inspire you take risks, keep learning, and grow with your circumstances instead of letting them halt your dreams.

169 || [Solo] What Is Imposter Syndrome and How to Know If You Have It || Merritt Onsa

This episode is all about imposter syndrome—what is it, what does it look like and sound like, and how can God’s women fight back against this attack on our identity and on our God-shaped dream? Whether you’re certain this is a struggle you’re battling or, like me, you’ve heard the term “imposter syndrome” and wondered what everyone’s talking about, this episode will help clarify and provide next steps for freedom on your journey.

155 || Being the Woman God Created You to Be || Stephanie Pletka

Stephanie Pletka’s superpower is encouraging other women. She desires to support the busy, overwhelmed mom who feels held hostage by other people’s expectations of her. In this final interview of Season Seven, I hope you’ll laugh at Stephanie’s honest storytelling, be encouraged by her grace-filled presence, throw off all the ridiculous expectations and give yourself permission to be the woman God created you to be.

147 || How to Get Past Your Mindset to Share Your Dream || Ashley Johnson

Ashley Johnson is a non-profit founder with a bent toward entrepreneurship and a love of seeing new ideas come to life; she came to this conversation seeking help with her messaging. As we talk you’ll learn the importance of identifying your avatar, how to invite and engage others in your dream, how live video is an opportunity to rehearse and refine your message, and why you can take the pressure off yourself to be good enough to accomplish your dream.